Wednesday 8 September 2021

How are we saved?

Part I

Shalum to all,

 This short study is NOT intended to judge any person, church, or institution, but merely to WITNESS the most IMPORTANT TRUTH of Scripture [that has NOT been proclaimed from pulpits].

 It is CERTAINLY NOT my place to say who is saved and who not. This message is NOT for religious and traditional people, who believe everything that they are taught from pulpits. This message is INTENDED for TRUTH-SEEKERS and LOVERS of Scriptural TRUTH!

 For centuries the majority of priests, prophets, pastors, rabbi’s, and ministers have taught that we must call on the name of “jesus” to be saved. Is this REALLY what Scriptures TEACH? Is this the TRUTH?

Please continue to read and test this IMPORTANT study against Scripture and Scripture alone.

The TRUTH that I will share with you from Scripture has transformed many peoples lives in the past couple of years, INCLUDING mine as an ex-ordained Pastor and as an ex-Born-Again Christian Church Member.

Think about it…

Have we ever wondered what’s the origin of our Amunah(Faith) comes from? Is it from Greek, Latin, English or Hebrew?

Have you ever wondered, why translators used the English letter “J” to replace the Hebrew letter י (yad) at the beginning of a Hebrew name when transliterating? The yad/ י has a “Y” sound. Not a “J” sound.

Have you ever wondered, why “God” is used as a generic title for every religion in the earth?

Have you ever wondered, why we are so comfortable studying the bible in the English language without verifying the translation in the original Hebrew text?

Have you ever wondered, why Jehovah, GOD, Yahweh, THE LORD, PANGINOON, DIOS, GINOO, DIYOS are used as some of the names of The Most High when He refers to His Name as MADE-APART (QADUSH) OR singular only?

Have you ever wondered, if the attributes of a name can be confused for The Name itself?

Have you ever wondered, what the 3rd commandment really means when it instructs us not to ruin The Name? We have to know what The Name is in order to fulfill this command.

Have you ever wondered, if our Savior ever referred to Himself as God? Our Saviors Name is a four letter name in Hebrew: hwhy.  God, is a two letter name in Hebrew: 

Have you ever wondered, why the name Joshua is transliterated from a Hebrew name with a “shua” suffix, and “Jo” prefix? The incorrect transliteration of this name Joshua, comes from a Hebrew name that has a “sha” suffix. The prefix Jo in Joshua, comes from Yahu, yet, cannot be seen in the English transliteration. What is wrong with this picture?

Have you ever wondered, why people keep saying we cannot know the pronunciation of The Name of The Most High, when the foretelling’s of the latter days proclaim His Name will be known to the nations?

Have you ever wondered, why we believe it’s ok to call The Most High, “Lord”, when one of the rebellious acts of The 12 Tribes was replacing His Name with Baʿâl (LORD)? (YaramYahū/Jer 23:27)

Have you ever wondered, why the Jews have made it a law to refrain from speaking The Name of The Most High as it is written, and replace His Name with other names and titles using vowel points? This breaks the 3rd command.

“If you haven’t wondered, you should start   wondering now”.    

Firstly, we must KNOW and UNDERSTAND that Scripture was tampered with by man. The FALSE PEN’S of the Scribes [and Translators] have taken AWAY from Scripture and ADDED to Scripture, which is FORBIDDEN (Deut 4:12; Deut 12:32; Prov 30:6, Rev 22:18-19). WHAT did they TAKE AWAY and WHAT did they ADD? Let’s look at ONLY ONE EXAMPLE . . . 

In the indexes to many modern-day translations, Translators openly CONFESS to changing the Name of The Almighty from YAHUAH to “LORD”, in order to maintain a TRADITION (device) of men.
See below a quote from the NIV Life Application Study Bible:

"In regard to the divine Name YHUH, commonly referred to as the Tetragrammaton, the translators adopted the "DEVICE" used in most English versions of rendering (that name) as "LORD" in capital letters"
NOT only did they tamper with the Father’s Name (YHUH), but obviously also with the Messiah’s Name, and the majority of other names in Scripture.

The letter “J” still does not exist in Hebrew or Greek. “Jesus” never occurs in The Original [Hebrew] Scriptures. The first 4 editions of The King James "Bible" carried the [Roman] Catholic Vulgate “Iesous or Iesus.” In around 1650, “Iesus” was changed in the KJV to “Je-sus”, where it has been popularized till today.

WHY does this matter? Simply because there is significant meaning to every name in Scripture, ESPECIALLY the Names of Father and Son. Every one of our unique names has specific meaning, which aligns to our personality and character. 

Names are NEVER translated, but transliterated. A transliteration is PRONOUNCING a name or word the SAME as it is spoken in the ROOT (ORIGINAL LANGUAGE), using the letters of the Destination (SECOND) LANGUAGE to make the SAME SOUND as the ROOT (original) language. Hence the MEANING of the name REMAINS the SAME. Our names REMAIN the SAME, no matter what countries we visit or immigrate to. 

Our names DON’T CHANGE to fit-in with the language, culture or traditions of the countries we visit. The two most revered NAMES of FATHER and SON have thus never CHANGED from the BEGINNING to this day.

Scriptural and Historical EVIDENCE clearly PROVES that Scripture was FIRST WRITTEN in ANCIENT HEBREW. Ancient Paleo-Hebrew or Yahudyath is thus the ROOT LANGUAGE of Scripture. It is the LANGUAGE that The Almighty used to communicate with His Messengers, like Adam, Abrahym/Abaram, Masha/Moses, etc. (See Barashyth/Gen 14:13; Brashyth/Gen 41:12; Shamuth/Exo 2:11; Yunah/Jonah 1:9). Messiah OBVIOUSLY spoke Hebrew as is evident in Ma’ashah/Acts 26:14, so too did Paul (Ma’ashah/Act 21:40; Act 22:2; Phil 3:5). 

Scripture teaches that SALVATION/DELIVERANCE is of the Yahudym/Hebrews according to Yahukhanan/John 4:22. Scripture also teaches that Messiah came from the tribe of Yahudah(Judah), the same tribe that Dud(David) belonged to (Heb 7:14). The Yahudym spoke Hebrew, NOT Greek, Latin or English. If Scripture was written in Ancient Hebrew or Yahudyth; if our prominent forefathers were Hebrews; if salvation comes from the Hebrews; if Messiah was a Hebrew – then OBVIOUSLY Messiah had a HEBREW NAME, NOT the Greek Name (Iesous) that was later translated to the Latin name (Iesus), which was translated to the “universal name jesus”. 

REMEMBER that NAMES are NEVER TRANSLATED – if you were born with a Spanish name, your name will REMAIN SPANISH, no matter where you live in the world. We do NOT have a name in every language on earth – we all have ONE NAME that can be pronounced in every language on earth!

Messiah was born a Hebrew, grew-up as a Hebrew, and was given a HEBREW NAME. It should be evident to all discerning believers that Messiah’s Name should POINT to SALVATION to be legitimate.
The names Iesous (Greek), Iesus (Latin), and Jesus (English) have NO MEANING in Hebrew and does NOT POINT to SALVATION at all. This alone and the fact that names are never translated DISCREDITS their relevance.

Let’s go to Scripture to see on WHOSE NAME we are to call for SALVATION . . . 
The Scriptures quoted from a proper Restored Translation (The Bashurah (Message) of YAHUSHA, which is very similar to the Halleluyah Scriptures, the ISR and the Restoration Scriptures – all of them RESTORING the ORIGINAL HEBREW NAMES in their translations).
SCRIPTURE clearly TEACHES that Almighty [Father] is our Saviour (YashaYahu/Isaiah 43:11 and Husha/Hoshea 13:4). We are thus to CALL on the Name of The Almighty (Father) to be saved (Ma’ashah/Acts 2:21; Rumayam/Romans 10:13 and Yahual/Joel 2:32). 

Now this is where the CONFUSION comes. As you will see, the Name of the Father carries 4 Hebrew letters hwhy, whereas the “Name” listed in modern-day Translations is “LORD”. Lord is NOT a NAME, but a title. Scripture does NOT teach that we are saved by a title, but IN the NAME of The Almighty. There is a significant DIFFERENCE between a title and name. It is also important to KNOW WHAT the title “Lord” really stands for:
In Hebrew (the authentic language of Scripture)
'Lord' means Ba'al.
Hebrew Strong's H1167
baal: owner, lord
Hebrew Strong's H1168
Ba'al: Baal
The same as ba'al; Baal, a Phoenician deity -- Baal, (plural) Baalim.
See BELOW further confirmation from TheFreeDictionary that calling on "lord" is unacceptable when referring to the Almighty . . .
Ba·al (bääl, bäl, bl)n. pl. Baals or Baal·im (bää-lm, bälm)

1. Any of VARIOUS local fertility and nature “GODS” of the ancient Semitic peoples considered to be FALSE GODS by the Hebrews.

2. often baal A FALSE GOD or IDOL.

Almost ALL PAGAN gods are called “Lord” by their followers, so too the greatest deceiver (satan) of all, as well as exalted man, being knighted as “lords”. Are pagan gods, satan and exalted man EQUAL to The Almighty of Heaven and Earth? 

It is blasphemous, disrespectful and unacceptable to call The Almighty “Lord” as His 3rd Commandment (Exo 20:7) and Exo 23:13 clearly teach.

If we are to CALL on the NAME (not title) of The Almighty (Father) to be saved, where does the Name of Messiah fit into all this? Evidence from Scripture will teach us the TRUTH. Firstly we have to establish [FROM ANCIENT HEBREW] what the Name of The Almighty is. 

We ALREADY ESTABLISHED that His Name carries 4 HEBREW LETTERS (Yad-Hay-Uau (Waw)-Hay), which gives us the four letters “YHUH” from ANCIENT Hebrew, and “YHWH” from Modern Hebrew. 

We already ESTABLISHED that Names are never translated, but TRANSLITERATED; hence we get to the TRUE NAME of The Almighty.
Yad - makes Y sound
Ha/Hay - makes ah sound
Uau [Waw] - makes a "oo" sound, thus u or (uw)
Ha/Hay - makes the same sound as the second letter, namely ah
If we add them all together, we get YAHUAH
ANCIENT (Pictograph) Hebrew uses WORD PICTURES to describe the meaning of words, making it simple for believers to UNDERSTAND the true meaning of words. Each word may have several meanings!

What do we get when we ADD the 4 Hebrew letters of YAHUAH’s Name?
He Who makes [creates] reveals – Behold, He secures . . .
The Almighty is the Maker [Creator], Who reveals [His plan to His people to build His family, giving them His Thurah/Turah (Teachings, Instructions, Commands, Direction, Laws)] to behold them [watch over them and observe them], securing them [attaching them firmly, so that they cannot be moved or be lost]!

Do we see how the character of YAHUAH is linked to His TRUE SCRIPTURAL Name?
The TRUE SCRIPTURAL [Hebrew] Name of Messiah is IN His Father’s Name and POINTS to SALVATION.

Scripture teaches us that the FATHER and His Son are ONE (Yahukhanan/John 17:11, 22)!

Scripture also teaches that the Son came IN His Father's Name (Yahukhanan/John 5:43) and did everything IN His Father's Name 
We live in the end times [of restoration and refreshing] (Ma’ashah/Acts 3:19-21).Those who worship Father YAHUAH should do so IN SPIRIT and TRUTH (Yahukhanan/John 4:23-24), NOT in error, deceit or corruption.

Once the truth has been revealed to us, we cannot plead ignorance any longer. We will be held ACCOUNTABLE for everything we heard and said, as well as every choice we made.

1 Yahukhanan/John 4:6 We are of Aluah (Almighty) – the one knowing Aluah hears us. He who is not of Aluah does not hear us. By this we know the Spirit of the Truth and the spirit of the delusion (lies and deceit).

1 Yahukhanan/John 2:4 The one who says, “I know Him,” and does not guard His commands, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.

2 Yahukhanan/John 1:4 I rejoiced greatly because I found some of your children walking in truth, as we received a command from the Father.

After I received this REVELATION from Scripture, I CALLED on the NAME of YAHUAH for my salvation (Ma’ashah/Acts 2:21; Rom 10:13 and Yahual/Joel 2:32), and I accepted YAHUSHA as My Redeemer, Messiah, Master, High Priest, Teacher, Sovereign (King) and Bridegroom!
May the TRUTH of Scripture SET all Truth-Seekers FREE.


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How are we saved?

Part I Shalum to all,   This short study is NOT intended to judge any person, church, or institution, but merely to WITNESS the most IMPORTA...